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Saturday, February 6, 2010

National History Day Project Finished! finally.....

The ones out thre who are participating in NHD, I applaud you, for it is a great ccomplishment and difficult goal to achieve (trust me, I would know). For those of you who didn't I am seriously ashamed. Even though I didn't want to participate in NHD, Mrs. Jensen has been visciously beaten around with complaints and such. Doing NHD is better than just joining that Facebook group that supports Mrs. Jensen. NHD shows that we support her teaching directly. Also, we get to skip a day of school for an exciting day of awards and cool projects. So that's something to look forward to.

By the way, this may seem nerdy, mainly because it is, but it's pretty dang cool.
I work with Legos ( I know some of you out there do too)!
And I am proud of it.
I purchase somewhat expensive custom lego-compatible accessories for my minifigs (that are amazing). Varying from simply weaponry to "Space Marine Armor" (AKA MLJONIR Armor from the Halo series. Imagine Master Chief in your head).
Here are the links to the two sites that I like best.

On a completely different topic, QFC is having a sale on certan candies!
I purchased two bags of Sour Patch Kids earlier today, and only for a dollar!
Mmmmmmmmm, best deal ever.

BTW own a Wii or DS?
Do you keep you papers inside the game box?
Or even better, have all the papers for yor gaming system?
There should be a code on one sheet of the papers for Club Nintendo. I am a serious fan.
Serial numbers for each system are on the bottom (for both Wii and DS).
Please! Give me those numbers. I need them.
Thanks for reading.


  1. Well.

    I don't wanna do NHD.

    I know it's a good experience. But guess what, MC States is the next day, and that is more important to me. 'Nuff said. I woulda done it.

    Plus, if you do good in MC States, you go to MC nats. You skip a whole WEEK of school to go to ORLANDO.

    Which one is better?

  2. I agree, supporting and appreciating the hard work that Mrs. Jensen has done in order to prepare for NHD is really important...besides, NHD is actually pretty fun, but to Kelly: good luck in Math Counts! Your team will do great :)
    Legos are actually really fun...the possibilities surrounding them are endless

  3. wah??? CANDY!!! sry...its lik 10 and im kinda hyper... :P IM DOING NHD!!!!! :DDDDD rnt u sooooo proud of me? :P GL KELLY!!!!! :)legos r interesting... its sad that i dont hav ANYTHING from nintendo or apple. :( i STILL dont git the ipad...

  4. Kelly,
    Like I said, Samvit Jain's papers don't seem all that amazing, or "college level" whatnot. So I really hope I get at least something at regionals. And in case you didn't know, I am NOT GOING TO MATHCOUNTS STATE! YARGLE MARGLE BLAH BLAH! So, I am doing NHD. I will end my pointless rant.
    By the way, it's Superbowl Sunday!
